Dell introduced a new tablet computer, Streak 7, which has support 4G services. Latest products introduced to the public amid events Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas that lasted 6 to 9 January 2010.
For this new product marketing, Dell mengandeng T-Mobile, mobile operators in the United States who have mendeployment services long term evolution (LTE) or 4G.
Streak 7 has navigation that allows users to access a variety of content and portals instantly. As access to movies, television, video and other. Includes access to various social networking portal.
Working with NVIDIA Tegra superchip dual-core processor, the tablet diameter of 7-inch touch screen technology brings Corning Gorilla glass is capable of producing an optimal display. Tablets Android has also supported the application Adobe Flash Player 10.1 support.
Having two high-resolution camera, in front and behind, this device offers the convenience of its users enjoy video calls or video conferencing using 3G networks, 4G or Wifi.
Connectivity Streak 7 also complete, including support for Bluetooth and Wifi.