You've heard about the Archos 70 tablets Android Devices Hard drive series?
To some tablet devices android still sounded a little strange. But make no mistake for some people actually familiar with this device.
We now try to give a little information about the android tablet device.
In terms of design, the tablet is very promising at all to own. The first reason is because it is very thin and slender as well as having an extremely light weight of only 400 grams. So if you carry these devices, as will you bring a book.
And who pulled it again, Archos 70 also has been equipped with a buffer. So, you do not have to always hold these devices if you're using it. Simply remove the buffer from the back of the body, then place it on the table, then you will use these devices with a very comfortable and enjoyable.
But unfortunately, your body must be satisfied with the quality offered. Because the quality of the body Archos 70 seem less attractive and cheap. Even so, it is still not very influential on the entirety of the latest Android tablet devices made by Archos.
As for the screen 7-inch capacitive touchscreen which is offered is quite responsive. Simply by tapping and swiping your finger gently on the screen, the touch screen will automatically respond to commands properly.
When compared with the performance offered by Samsung Galaxy Tab and also Apple iPad, the performance of 70 listed Archos still less rapidly. But it is very reasonable, because in terms of prices offered only Archos 70 are cheaper than Galaxy Tab and also iPad. So you need a bit more satisfied with the performance on offer if you are already choosing to purchase the tablets at a price more murah.Meski so, in terms of playing HD video resolution (720p), Archos 70 is quite good. The reason, Archos 70 can deliver HD video spectacle very smoothly. Perhaps, it was influenced by the OpenGL ES 3D accelerator 2.0.Dan a superior again, for business savings and store data, Archos 70 also superior in its class. How not, Archos 70 were equipped with 250GB of storage media. Which, it is also to make the Hard Drive Archos 70 Series as the first Android tablet device having a storage medium in the form of a 250GB hard drive.